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Azea Group Limited

Azea International Limited

Level 27, PWC Tower

188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010

New Zealand

E info@azea-group.com

T +64 (9) 363 2783 (GMT +12:00)

F +64 (9) 353 1535

Azea New Zealand

T +64 (9) 363 2783 (GMT +12:00)

F +64 (9) 353 1535

Azea Malaysia

T +60 (3) 2169 6164 (GMT +8:00)

F +60 (3) 2178 4001




The AZEA brand name and/or logo device are registered trade marks of Azea Investments Limited in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and/or other countries. 

© 2001-2010 Azea Group Limited.  All rights reserved.